
Age 33, Male

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Admitting I am a Furry

Posted by Jon4life - January 15th, 2010

Today a kid who sits next to me in art class looked over my shoulder at my PSP. I was flipping through some songs and my background was the picture below. He said asked me why my background was "hella gay" and I replied "because I am a faggot, that's why". He asked why I am a furry and gay, and I replied "because god was being stupid and accidentally forgot to make me normal'." He told me he used to like hentai back in middle school, which I find hilarious because he thinks furries are weird, and it's basically the same thing. People make me want to cut my balls off and bathe in a pool of dog urine..

Also, I am not gay. I am bisexual.

Admitting I am a Furry


I has teh konw of waht you say. Ins't it cool ohw yuo can sitll raed tihs? I tinhk it is.
Furry things is thumbs up. my gf doesn't think its weird.
Don't feel bad about it. Brain sees breasts and its like YAY!! not, is that an animal??

Breasts are cool.

i dont care for furries much but hey.... whatever floats your boat sir. I am a bisexual and most people dont believe me but both genders turn me the fuck on. Anyway stay cute.


one of my friends just found out he's a furry, he kinda freaked out, but then accepted it.

he's not gay though

Most furries I would imagine aren't gay. But I happen to be a bisexual.

dude it's alright.
there's a big community that feels the way you do.
people will accept you.

I am very glad I am not alone.

When I was readin' this I was like. "wait isn't he the one who had that really hot girlfriend?" but then you stated that you were bisexual, and that explained it.

I don't mind people that I don't really know that I'm a furry and bi-sexual. But my close friends, it will be a little harder. Also nice pic.

P.S. i scouted you.

I haven't told my parents, any close friends, or my girlfriend. Also, thank you so much for scouting. It's appreciated.

I'd rather suck your cock

Me too.

furries r wierd lol r u 1 XD

Furries are fucking retarded.

Post cawk w/ timestamp GO

k brb.


k brb.